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Calculate your flight data emissions
Calculate your flight data emissions

Learn how to calculate your Flight Data emissions using Avarni.

Diana Nguyen avatar
Written by Diana Nguyen
Updated over 5 months ago

This user guide will guide you through the process of calculating your Flight Data emissions using Avarni. From preparing your data and importing it to reviewing your emission entries, we'll take you step by step through the entire process.


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Preparing your data

1. Start by gathering the necessary information related to your organization's activities and operations.

2. Use the Data Requirement Document as a guide. You may copy and paste your collected data into the template, or alternatively, use the document as a reference and structure your data in your preferred format, as long as the required fields are included and the file format is correct.

πŸ“Œ Note:

  • You may only be able to upload one unit type each time. For example: If you have a file that contains Passenger Distance (passenger km) and Distance (km), you will need to separate the data into two files/uploads.

  • If you would like to add custom fields, refer to our user guide on Custom fields.

  • For accurate mapping with our AI, a useful benchmark is to ensure that your data is comprehensible to an average person. Poor data inputs = Poor data outputs.

  • Our AI utilizes the vendor, description, and accounts fields for mapping emission factors.

Calculating flight emissions differs from other Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions as it requires the following:

  • You will need to add in the fields: Start and End airport names or IATA codes

  • IATA codes can be found via the IATA code search tool here.

  • Activity Class should be set to 'Flight.'

  • Unit Type must either be PassengerDistance (in passenger km or passenger miles).

  • Amount field is not required

πŸ“Œ Note:

  • The distance calculation is based on a one-way trip, not a return trip.

  • Once you reach the 'Review Error' screen during the import process, certain fields such as the Start Airport and End Airport fields will be locked, as Avarni will have already calculated the distance between the airports during this step. If adjustments to these locked fields are needed, you must return to the previous step.

Date of Activity Format

  • The format for dates in the file can be mm/dd/yyyy (e.g. 01/13/2024) or dd-month-yyyy (e.g. 13-Jan-2024). For example:

    • 23-Oct-2024, 23 October 2024, 10/23/2024

  • If you only have the month and year available for the activity, you may use just Year, or Month/Year. For example:

    • October 2024 (Avarni will automatically adjust this to 1st October 2024)

    • 2024 (Avarni will automatically adjust this to 1st January 2024)

List of Country Names and Codes

  • To view the list of Country Names and the ISO Country Codes, refer to list of country names and codes here.

  • You may enter the name of a country in various forms (for example: Aus, AU, Australia). Regardless of the format used, Avarni will validate the input and automatically convert it to the appropriate country code. In the case where Avarni cannot recognize the country you have listed, refer to the list and check the spelling or the name.

Format Requirements

  • File Format: .csv, .tsv, .xls, .xlsx, .xml, .txt spreadsheets accepted

  • Size Limitations: ~ 550,000 rows

Importing your data

Now that your data is ready, follow these steps to import it into Avarni’s platform.

1. Click on Import Data on the left hand menu and then select Import Data:

2. Select the applicable values:

  • Scope: Select Scope 3.

  • Category: Select the applicable Category (Avarni calculates 14 out of the 15 categories, excluding category 15 Investments)

    πŸ’‘ Tip: The category will change depending on which Scope you select.

  • Unit Type: You must select either Unit Type = Distance, OR Unit Type = PassengerDistance


    πŸ“Œ Note: You may only be able to upload one unit type each time. For example: If you have a file that contains Distance (km or miles) and PassengerDistance (passenger-km or passenger-miles), you will need to separate the data into two files/uploads.

    πŸ’‘ Tip: If you are unsure of which unit type to select, type in an example such as km, passenger-mile, and Avarni will be able to determine which unit type it belongs to.

In order to calculate flight data, Unit Type must either be Distance (in km or miles) or PassengerDistance (in passenger km or passenger miles).

3. Choose the file from your computer to proceed with the upload:

4. Once the data is uploaded, you will be asked to change or confirm header selection. The header should be highlighted in blue. Click Next.

  • You can choose a different row if the header is not at the very top. For example: if the header is in row 2 instead of row 1, you will need to select and highlight row 2 in order for the system to identify that row 2 is the header.

5. Match the columns in your file to the applicable template fields in Avarni. Click Continue.

  • Uploaded Columns: Header fields in the file that you have uploaded.

  • Sample Data: Sample data in the file that you have uploaded.

  • Template Columns: Fields in Avarni - you will need to change this to match it against the correct field.

    πŸ’‘ Tip: Click on 'Edit Input Unit values' to check if the input unit that you have entered matches with the input unit value in Avarni.

6. Review any errors by selecting the Error tab and adjusting the relevant fields.

πŸ’‘ Tips:

  • You can modify any rows that have errors by double clicking on the relevant cell.

  • You can discard a row by selecting the row and then right click, and select Delete Row.

  • Use the Find and replace feature to bulk edit fields.

  • Use the Export function to export the file with any new updates you have made on this screen.

πŸ“Œ Note:

  • You must clear all errors in order to proceed with the import. You can quickly delete all rows with errors on the right hand side of the screen when an error appears.

Certain fields such as the Activity Class, Date, Start Airport and End Airport fields will be locked as Avarni will have already calculated the distance between the airports during this step. If adjustments to these locked fields are needed, you must return to the previous step.

7. Click Import.

8. Provide a value for all required fields where values were missing from your file. Select from the dropdown list and then click Next:

9. Select the applicable Factor Set.

πŸ“Œ Note: Refer to this link for more information on existing and custom emission factor sources

πŸ’‘ Tip: Avarni have automatically selected the factor set with the highest percentage of matches between years and countries, and then the most unique factor names, based off the data you have uploaded. You may proceed with the suggested factor set or alternatively you may select a different factor set if you wish.

πŸ’‘Tip: If a country does not have a matching country in a factor set, Avarni will be able to automatically match the country to a region that it belongs to. For example: In the below screenshot, the data uploaded has multiple countries that does not exist in EXIOBASE (factor set). Avarni has reviewed the countries and applied it to the applicable region (Mongolia, Vietnam and Egypt = Middle East, Asia and Egypt).

10. Click Next

11. Review your import. Click Complete Import:

πŸŽ‰πŸ₯³ Congratulations! You have now imported your data and are ready for the next step: Reviewing emission entries.

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